D.J., your poster designing skills are unmatched!
This past week sure has been a busy week, to prepare for one busy (yet exciting) day.
Today was the Sequential Art department's Editor's Day, for the first time held at the Career Fair. Also for the first time, there was a small Artist Alley. All together- it was named the first annual
I was scheduled to meet with David Saylor, the Vice President and Creative Director for Scholastic. You might have heard of them. They've recently, within the last few years, started up a new section called "Scholastic Graphix" that's all about Children's comic books: a section that doesn't nearly get enough attention.
Now, since my graduate student career is focused around children's books and illustrations, and exploring Children's comics (as well as diving into the genre for my thesis), this meeting was definitely just right for me. I was super excited (and nervous!) to meet him and hear what he had to say.
Looking over my portfolio, he was very happy with what I had, my style, and my focus/direction as an Illustrator and comic creator. He particularly enjoyed my story about the foxes, and my illustrations for it. I definitely have a fan for them. He gave me a few pointers, and said overall that I was definitely in the right direction. He had no business cards on him (shamey shamey! :P) but he wrote down his email address for me in my sketchbook, and I handed him one of my own cards. He was happy to see there was a little fox sketch on it. I guess that'll make him remember me- that's a good thing, huh? I should have put one on the resume that I dropped into his box, though. That would have sealed it.
It was good to see some alumni- especially my friend Dan Morris. He's in town for the weekend, and if he happens to be reading this right now, I will just say that there's a trip to IHOP in order, and it has to go down before he goes. I'm just sayin'. :)
Overall thoughts: I did well today, and got a connection. The Artist Alley was pretty cool and I got to say hello to some fellow grad students and friends. Oh, and my feet are killing me. Darn heels.
I hope the rest of my Sequential peers did well today with their meetings with the Editors!
So say we all.